Friday, 12 June 2015

The Art of being Politically Correct!

Freedom of Speech and expression is guaranteed to us under the Indian Constitution! Since childhood my parents, my teachers always taught me to express my views freely and voice my opinions without fear.

It was only when i stepped into the professional world that I was taught to be politically correct! Initially in the formative years of my career, i thought that being politically correct meant not having a view point of your own, being a diplomatic moron, not being able to express yourself freely. I am a corporate attorney by profession - well! that's the fancy word for lawyers who work in - house...and it was not only by my natural but also my professional traits and instincts that i am supposed to be outright and speak my mind. Soon i realized that it is not only your professional abilities and capabilities that lead you at the top of the ladder...but the bigger factor is how you conduct yourself, how well you can master the art of putting your point of view in a way which doesn't disregard the point of view of another and end up in a situation where the person at the receiving end  feels that he is hearing what he wants to hear rather than hearing what

We often find ourselves in situations (even in personal life), where we know what we feel and what we have to say but cannot comprehend how to put it forth. There is nothing wrong in being Politically correct, infact today its considered to be a skill. Being politically correct or say diplomatic should not be taken as a negative attribute of a person, it should merely be seen as a strength where one assesses a situation before speaking or acting without being overly rude or bold. It is actually an ability to know how and what to say and when to say. I have tried to put forward 5 things that can help you master the art of being politically correct -

  1. Think before you speak / Act - Do not react / respond immediately. You are not playing a quiz where you need to answer in a min or less. Take a moment to evaluate the situation before you act . There are times when you may feel agitated or offended and it may seem extremely difficult in holding back your emotions and your response but always remember that it is in these situations where your character can either be seen as composed or as hot headed.
  2. Use decisive language - Communicate clearly yet assertively. Do not end up being misread or misunderstood. It is of utmost importance to use simple language 
  3. Use Humor but carefully 
  4. Agree to Disagree - A world where everyone agreed is too boring. Respect other's views even if you disagree with them. 
  5. Get out of your comfort zone  

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Tripoto Approved Blogger